St Brelade Battle of Flowers Association need your help!
The flowers for this year’s float are now due to arrive in the afternoon of Thursday 3 August, not Wednesday as previously published. We will need to unpack them, strip the leaves and get them into water as quickly as possible.
We would greatly appreciate as much help as possible with this task. We’ll be starting on Thursday afternoon at 5pm and will get as much done as we can that evening. The work will continue on Friday morning, from 9am.
From Monday 7th to Thursday 10th August we’ll be sticking the flowers and adding the finishing touches to the float. We’ll need lots of help picking, applying glue and sticking the flowers to the float, so please come along and join in. We’ll be starting at 9am each day and continue to 9pm, or later if necessary.
If you can spare some time to help us, please come along to the shed, whenever is convenient to you – we’d greatly appreciate it! Our shed in located on Rue Carrée, about 50m after the entrance to Les Ormes when coming from Route des Quennevais.
We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Avrill on 07797 837846 (after 5pm) or email