Lent Lunches 2025 – SEE MESSAGE BELOW 👇

The lucky winners of the top prize in the Christmas Fayre Raffle

Mr & Mrs Gary Tanner were the winners of the top prize of a child’s bike kindly donated by the Bicycle Workshop Limited of Quennevais Precinct.

A delighted Mrs Tanner advised that their granddaughter is just learning to ride a bike and the prize bike is the next step up. Sounds like they will have a very excited granddaughter on Christmas morning.

A big thank you to the following establishments who also very generously gave prizes:

Le Braye Café


Noya Shapla

Lucas Brothers

Nude Food

Valley Adventure Centre

La Place Hotel

Sandpiper CI

Thank you to all the stall holders and helpers and to those who turned out a rather chilly day to support the event..

Finally, a big thank you to Maison St Brélade, Waitrose at Red Houses, Randalls Jersey, St Brélade’s Bay Hotel and the St Brélade Youth Project.